GAP Packages

There are 159 packages that are shipped with GAP 4.13.1. Note that newer versions might be available on the package websites.

  Name Version Date Subtitle
  4ti2Interface 2023.02-04 2023-02-28 A link to 4ti2
  ACE 5.6.2 03/01/2023 Advanced Coset Enumerator
  AClib 1.3.2 28/01/2020 Almost Crystallographic Groups - A Library and Algorithms
  AGT 0.3.1 31/12/2022 Algebraic Graph Theory
  Alnuth 3.2.1 05/04/2022 Algebraic number theory and an interface to PARI/GP
  ANUPQ 3.3.0 05/01/2023 ANU p-Quotient
  AtlasRep 2.1.8 03/01/2024 A GAP Interface to the Atlas of Group Representations
  AutoDoc 2023.06.19 19/06/2023 Generate documentation from GAP source code
  Automata 1.15 20/03/2022 A package on automata
  AutomGrp 1.3.2 30/09/2019 Automata groups
  AutPGrp 1.11 05/08/2022 Computing the Automorphism Group of a p-Group
  Browse 1.8.21 01/03/2023 browsing applications and ncurses interface
  CAP 2024.06-02 2024-06-10 Categories, Algorithms, Programming
  CaratInterface 2.3.6 18/12/2023 Interface to CARAT, a crystallographic groups package
  CddInterface 2022.11.01 01/11/2022 Gap interface to Cdd package
  Circle 1.6.6 25/02/2023 Adjoint groups of finite rings
  classicpres 1.22 06/05/2022 Classical Group Presentations
  cohomolo 1.6.11 03/01/2023 Cohomology groups of finite groups on finite modules
  Congruence 1.2.6 23/03/2024 Congruence subgroups of SL(2,Integers)
  CoReLG 1.56 24/02/2022 Computing with real Lie algebras
  CRIME 1.6 17/03/2022 A GAP Package to Calculate Group Cohomology and Massey Products
  CRISP 1.4.6 15/12/2022 Computing with Radicals, Injectors, Schunck classes and Projectors
  crypting 0.10.4 02/11/2022 Hashes and Crypto in GAP
  Cryst 4.1.27 18/12/2023 Computing with crystallographic groups
  CrystCat 1.1.10 29/07/2022 The crystallographic groups catalog
  CTblLib 1.3.9 14/03/2024 The GAP Character Table Library
  Cubefree 1.19 21/02/2022 Constructing the Groups of a Given Cubefree Order
  curlInterface 2.3.2 19/05/2023 Simple Web Access
  cvec 2.8.1 28/03/2023 Compact vectors over finite fields
  datastructures 0.3.0 04/11/2022 Collection of standard data structures for GAP
  DeepThought 1.0.6 06/10/2022 This package provides functions for computations in finitely generated nilpotent groups based on the Deep Thought algorithm.
  DESIGN 1.8 20/02/2023 The Design Package for GAP
  DifSets 2.3.1 14/09/2019 an algorithm for enumerating all difference sets in a group
  Digraphs 1.7.1 19/02/2024 Graphs, digraphs, and multidigraphs in GAP
  EDIM 1.3.8 21/02/2024 Elementary Divisors of Integer Matrices
  Example 4.3.4 25/02/2023 Example/Template of a GAP Package
  ExamplesForHomalg 2023.10-01 2023-10-05 Examples for the GAP Package homalg
  FactInt 1.6.3 15/11/2019 Advanced Methods for Factoring Integers
  ferret 1.0.11 24/04/2024 Backtrack Search in Permutation Groups
  FGA 1.5.0 04/04/2023 Free Group Algorithms
  FinInG 1.5.6 27/07/2023 Finite Incidence Geometry
  float 1.0.4 11/01/2024 Integration of mpfr, mpfi, mpc, fplll and cxsc in GAP
  FORMAT 1.4.4 09/01/2024 Computing with formations of finite solvable groups.
  Forms 1.2.11 05/04/2024 Sesquilinear and Quadratic
  FPLSA 1.2.6 03/01/2023 Finitely Presented Lie Algebras
  FR 2.4.13 11/01/2024 Computations with functionally recursive groups
  francy 2.0.3 16/04/2023 Framework for Interactive Discrete Mathematics
  fwtree 1.3 28/01/2020 Computing trees related to some pro-p-groups of finite width
  GAPDoc 1.6.7 21/02/2024 A Meta Package for GAP Documentation
  Gauss 2023.02-04 2023-02-28 Extended Gauss functionality for GAP
  GaussForHomalg 2023.11-01 2023-11-30 Gauss functionality for the homalg project
  GBNP 1.0.5 09/03/2022 computing Gröbner bases of noncommutative polynomials
  GeneralizedMorphismsForCAP 2024.04-01 2024-04-04 Implementations of generalized morphisms for the CAP project
  genss 1.6.8 26/09/2022 Generic Schreier-Sims
  GradedModules 2024.01-01 2024-01-10 A homalg based package for the Abelian category of finitely presented graded modules over computable graded rings
  GradedRingForHomalg 2023.08-01 2023-08-23 Endow Commutative Rings with an Abelian Grading
  GRAPE 4.9.0 09/12/2022 GRaph Algorithms using PErmutation groups
  groupoids 1.74 23/01/2024 Calculations with finite groupoids and their homomorphisms
  GrpConst 2.6.5 22/01/2024 Constructing the Groups of a Given Order
  Guarana 0.96.3 11/02/2022 Applications of Lie methods for computations with infinite polycyclic groups
  GUAVA 3.19 21/03/2024 a GAP package for computing with error-correcting codes
  HAP 1.62 01/02/2024 Homological Algebra Programming
  HAPcryst 0.1.15 26/07/2022 A HAP extension for crystallographic groups
  hecke 1.5.3 01/09/2019 Calculating decomposition matrices of Hecke algebras
  HeLP 4.0 29/02/2024 Hertweck-Luthar-Passi method.
  homalg 2024.01-01 2024-01-10 A homological algebra meta-package for computable Abelian categories
  HomalgToCAS 2023.11-01 2023-11-30 A window to the outer world
  idrel 2.47 02/06/2024 Identities among relations
  images 1.3.2 22/01/2024 Minimal and Canonical images
  IntPic 0.3.0 02/06/2022 A package for drawing integers
  IO 4.8.2 16/10/2023 Bindings for low level C library I/O routines
  IO_ForHomalg 2023.02-04 2023-02-28 IO capabilities for the homalg project
  IRREDSOL 1.4.4 16/11/2022 A library of irreducible soluble linear groups over finite fields and of finite primivite soluble groups
  ITC 1.5.1 01/03/2022 Interactive Todd-Coxeter
  json 2.2.1 24/04/2024 Reading and Writing JSON
  JupyterKernel 1.5.0 25/02/2023 Jupyter kernel written in GAP
  JupyterViz 1.5.6 16/08/2022 Visualization Tools for Jupyter and the GAP REPL
  kan 1.37 23/01/2024 including double coset rewriting systems
  kbmag 1.5.11 03/01/2023 Knuth-Bendix on Monoids and Automatic Groups
  LAGUNA 3.9.6 25/02/2023 Lie AlGebras and UNits of group Algebras
  LieAlgDB 2.2.1 07/10/2019 A database of Lie algebras
  LiePRing 2.9.1 11/06/2024 Database and algorithms for Lie p-rings
  LieRing 2.4.2 10/02/2022 Computing with finitely presented Lie rings
  LinearAlgebraForCAP 2024.06-01 2024-06-10 Category of Matrices over a Field for CAP
  LINS 0.9 15/03/2024 provides an algorithm for computing the normal subgroups of a finitely presented group up to some given index bound.
  LocalizeRingForHomalg 2023.10-01 2023-10-05 A Package for Localization of Polynomial Rings
  loops 3.4.3 14/11/2022 Computing with quasigroups and loops in GAP
  lpres 1.0.3 20/03/2022 Nilpotent Quotients of L-Presented Groups
  MajoranaAlgebras 1.5.1 09/12/2022 A package for constructing Majorana algebras and representations
  MapClass 1.4.6 17/09/2022 A Package For Mapping Class Orbit Computation
  matgrp 0.70 01/03/2022 Matric Group Interface Routines
  MatricesForHomalg 2024.02-01 2024-02-20 Matrices for the homalg project
  ModIsom 2.5.4 27/02/2023 Computing automorphisms and checking isomorphisms for modular group algebras of finite p-groups
  ModulePresentationsForCAP 2024.04-01 2024-04-04 Category R-pres for CAP
  Modules 2024.01-01 2024-01-10 A homalg based package for the Abelian category of finitely presented modules over computable rings
  MonoidalCategories 2024.06-01 2024-06-09 Monoidal and monoidal (co)closed categories
  NConvex 2022.09-01 30/09/2022 A Gap package to perform polyhedral computations
  Nilmat 1.4.2 05/08/2022 Computing with nilpotent matrix groups
  NoCK 1.5 30/03/2022 Computing obstruction for the existence of compact Clifford-Klein form
  NormalizInterface 1.3.6 19/05/2023 GAP wrapper for Normaliz
  nq 2.5.11 12/01/2024 Nilpotent Quotients of Finitely Presented Groups
  NumericalSgps 1.3.1 27/07/2022 A package for numerical semigroups
  OpenMath 11.5.3 25/02/2023 OpenMath functionality in GAP
  orb 4.9.0 26/09/2022 Methods to enumerate orbits
  PackageManager 1.4.3 12/01/2024 Easily download and install GAP packages
  PatternClass 2.4.3 17/10/2022 A permutation pattern class package
  permut 2.0.5 11/01/2024 A package to deal with permutability in finite groups
  Polenta 1.3.10 29/03/2022 Polycyclic presentations for matrix groups
  Polycyclic 2.16 25/07/2020 Computation with polycyclic groups
  polymaking 0.8.7 04/10/2023 Interfacing the geometry software polymake
  PrimGrp 3.4.4 25/02/2023 GAP Primitive Permutation Groups Library
  profiling 2.5.4 29/06/2023 Line by line profiling and code coverage for GAP
  QDistRnd 0.9.4 23/02/2024 Calculate the distance of a q-ary quantum stabilizer code
  QPA 1.35 04/01/2024 Quivers and Path Algebras
  QuaGroup 1.8.4 11/01/2024 Computations with quantum groups
  RadiRoot 2.9 01/03/2022 Roots of a Polynomial as Radicals
  RCWA 4.7.1 06/12/2022 Residue-Class-Wise Affine Groups
  RDS 1.8 21/02/2022 A package for searching relative difference sets
  recog 1.4.2 27/09/2022 A package for constructive recognition of permutation and matrix groups
  RepnDecomp 1.3.0 02/01/2023 Decompose representations of finite groups into irreducibles
  Repsn 3.1.2 22/01/2024 Constructing representations of finite groups
  ResClasses 4.7.3 29/07/2022 Set-Theoretic Computations with Residue Classes
  RingsForHomalg 2023.11-02 2023-11-04 Dictionaries of external rings
  SCO 2023.08-01 2023-08-23 SCO - Simplicial Cohomology of Orbifolds
  SCSCP 2.4.2 31/01/2024 Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol in GAP
  Semigroups 5.3.7 11/03/2024 A package for semigroups and monoids
  SglPPow 2.4 20/03/2024 Database of groups of prime-power order for some prime-powers
  SgpViz 0.999.5 20/03/2022 A package for semigroup visualization
  simpcomp 2.1.14 15/03/2022 A GAP toolbox for simplicial complexes
  singular 2024.06.03 03/06/2024 A GAP interface to Singular
  SL2Reps 1.1 26/11/2022 Constructing symmetric representations of SL(2,Z).
  SLA 1.5.3 15/11/2019 Computing with simple Lie algebras
  SmallGrp 1.5.3 16/05/2023 The GAP Small Groups Library
  Smallsemi 0.7.0 20/05/2024 A library of small semigroups
  SONATA 2.9.6 06/12/2022 System of nearrings and their applications
  Sophus 1.27 09/08/2022 Computing in nilpotent Lie algebras
  SOTGrps 1.2 20/06/2023 Constructing and identifying groups of small order type
  SpinSym 1.5.2 01/10/2019 Brauer tables of spin-symmetric groups
  StandardFF 1.0 13/09/2023 Standard finite fields and cyclic generators
  SymbCompCC 1.3.2 10/02/2022 Computing with parametrised presentations for p-groups of fixed coclass
  Thelma 1.3 03/03/2022 THreshold ELements, Modeling and Applications
  TomLib 1.2.11 12/01/2024 The GAP Library of Tables of Marks
  ToolsForHomalg 2023.11-01 2023-11-30 Special methods and knowledge propagation tools
  Toric 1.9.5 07/10/2019 toric varieties and some combinatorial geometry computations
  ToricVarieties 2022.07.13 13/07/2022 A package to handle toric varieties
  TransGrp 3.6.5 15/12/2023 Transitive Groups Library
  typeset 1.2.2 01/03/2024 Automatic typesetting framework for common GAP objects, with LaTeX generation
  UGALY 4.1.3 07/07/2023 Universal Groups Acting LocallY
  Unipot 1.5 22/02/2022 Computing with elements of unipotent subgroups of Chevalley groups
  UnitLib 4.2.0 25/02/2023 Library of normalized unit groups of modular group algebras
  utils 0.85 23/01/2024 Utility functions in GAP
  uuid 0.7 01/03/2022 RFC 4122 UUIDs
  walrus 0.9991 21/02/2022 A new approach to proving hyperbolicity
  Wedderga 4.10.5 19/02/2024 Wedderburn Decomposition of Group Algebras
  XGAP 4.32 08/02/2024 a graphical user interface for GAP
  XMod 2.92 23/01/2024 Crossed Modules and Cat1-Groups
  XModAlg 1.23 03/12/2022 Crossed Modules and Cat1-Algebras
  YangBaxter 0.10.3 25/02/2023 Combinatorial Solutions for the Yang-Baxter equation
  ZeroMQInterface 0.14 29/07/2022 ZeroMQ bindings for GAP
  Name Version Date Subtitle

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