Links to Other Systems

The world of computational algebra is wide, GAP has been collaborating with various other systems and there are many different ways that GAP interfaces with external systems.

These include:

  • An interface to PARI/GP system in the Alnuth package.

  • An interface singular to the SINGULAR system for algebraic geometry, allowing to apply the functions of SINGULAR to the objects of GAP, allowing in particular fast computation of Groebner bases, computation of gcd and factorization of multivariate polynomials, as well as computation of invariant rings of finite groups.

  • A GAP package openmath allowing GAP users to import and export mathematical objects encoded in OpenMath, for the purpose of exchanging them with other applications which are OpenMath enabled.

  • A GAP package SCSCP which implements the Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol. Using it, GAP can communicate locally or remotely with any other OpenMath-enabled SCSCP-compliant application which may be not only another computer algebra system but also another instance of the GAP system or even, for example, an external Java or C/C++ application that uses SCSCP API.

  • An interface DISCRETA - GAP to the program DISCRETA for the construction of t-designs with prescribed automorphism group by A. Betten, E. Haberberger, R. Laue, and A. Wassermann. This interface is provided by Anton Betten.

  • An interface to the 4ti2 package for algebraic, geometric and combinatorial problems on linear spaces in the 4ti2Interface package.

  • The PolymakeInterface package provides a link to the callable library of the polymake system.