Teaching Material

See also the page on Learning GAP, which refers to material that may help you if you want to learn GAP on your own or to teach it.

GAP has been used in lecture courses of various levels, both for providing examples and for creating teaching material, in particular exercises. In 2012, we conducted a survey on this topic, and its results are published on the LMS De Morgan Forum. We are currently conducting a new survey about the use of mathematical software in education at https://bit.ly/mse-survey.

However, it is not always the case that such teaching materials are available to the public. We therefore ask to inform The GAP Group if you have such material and are willing to share it with others.

At present we can point to the following material.

Other examples of use of GAP in teaching include:

  • Material, in Portugese, for a Mini-Course about GAP, by Ayrton Anjos Teixeira from 2022
  • GAP exercises for the Theory of permutation groups course by Madeleine Whybrow (University of Primorska, Slovenia) since 2019.
  • Some applications of the course “Representations of finite groups” by Fernando Fantino (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina) since 2019.
  • Two courses in Computational group theory (MTH4141 and MTH5141) by Heiko Dietrich (Monash University, Australia)
  • In a pedagogical research project in 2018, C. Alonso González, R. Guerrero Francés, M. A. Navarro Pérez, V. Ortiz Sotomayor and X. Soler Escrivà, (Universitat d’Alacant and Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain) studied the use of GAP in courses on Group Theory and Coding Theory. The results of the study where published here (see also an extended version included into the whole volume).
  • Computeralgebra Praktikum I & II (Mathematical programming exercises) and exercises for the courses Algebra, Algorithmic Algebra, and Commutative Algebra by Mohamed Barakat (University of Siegen, Germany) since 2017.
  • Use of GAP in the “Computational Techniques in Mathematics” course by Abdulhakeem Olayiwola (Sule Lamido University Kafin Hausa, Nigeria) since 2016.
  • Use of GAP by Miguel Pizaña (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico) in the course “Análisis y diseño de algoritmos” (Analysis and Design of Algorithms), student research projects and doctoral studies since 2014.
  • Uygulamalı Cebir (Applied Algebra), Sembolik Hesaplama (Symbolic Computation) and GAP Programlama (GAP Programming) by Alper Odabaş (Osmangazi University, Turkey), starting from 2013.
  • Grupos y Anillos (Groups and Rings), Códigos Correctores y Criptografía (Error Correcting Codes and Cryptography), Teoría de Números (Number Theory) by Ángel del Río (Universidad de Murcia, Spain), starting circa 2010.
  • Number Theory and Applications; Semigroups, Automata and Languages (the package Automata); Algebraic Coding Theory (the package GUAVA); and other courses in algebra by Manuel Delgado (University of Porto, Portugal), starting circa 2010.