
The GAP Group consists of many different people and is most interested in close contact to the users of GAP. On one hand we hope for feedback from users, on the other hand we are offering to give support to users as well as we can. However with both, reacting to feedback and giving support, users are kindly asked to understand that all this is done by colleagues who provide such service in addition to the work for their regular job.


We hope for feedback in particular in the following instances.

  • When using GAP.  If you have used GAP we would appreciate some information about your work via an email to the address

  • When encountering bugs.  We strongly appreciate timely reports about any bugs in GAP you may encounter. When reporting a bug, please follow these guidelines. The preferred way to submit bug reports is to use the GAP issue tracker on GitHub. Alternatively, you may send them to

User Support

We offer to react as well as we can to questions, requests for help with problems, or complaints that you may have. However, for the sake of the whole user community of GAP, we ask you to separate these into two different categories.

  • GAP Support.  We would like to deal with those topics that are more or less local to you, that is, are likely not of interest to most of the other GAP users by direct correspondence with you. Please send letters about such local problems and questions also to the address

  • GAP Forum.  On the other hand, the GAP Forum should be reserved for discussions about problems that are likely to interest many of the GAP users. It would also be welcome if you could occasionally tell other users in the GAP Forum about interesting applications you have made of GAP. All correspondence in the Forum is kept in the Forum Archive.

    For theoretical questions on groups and related structures we like to point to the Group-Pub-forum in which such questions are answered and discussed by a large community of experts.


The functionality of GAP has been widely enlarged by pieces of code and data collections that have been developed by users of GAP and have been provided to be used with the main GAP library. We distribute these in the form of Packages and Data Libraries. We welcome obtaining any further such contributions as well as references to GAP implementations in the course of your research projects.

As explained on the respective page we have established a procedure for formally ‘accepting’ some packages which we hope will give them a status comparable to a published paper. On a separate page we inform about the process of submitting contributions.