
Although, fortunately, GAP is not yet part of history, we have kept a few documents marking steps of its development. In particular, the prefaces of the manuals of the various releases sketch the respective progress. We present here links to (relevant extracts from) these prefaces as well as to some ‘interim reports’ that appeared in the GAP Forum. (For recent developments see the Release history.)

GAP Council

The GAP Council was formed in 1995 to provide broad policy advice for the future development of GAP. It served as an editorial board for GAP packages until 2024, but its interests extend more broadly, to include enhancing recognition not only of GAP itself but also of the whole field of computational group theory.

GAP Centres

In March 2005 the GAP Council and the GAP developers have agreed that status and responsibilities of “GAP Headquarters” should be passed to an equal collaboration of a number of GAP Centres, where there is permanent staff involvement and an element of collective or organisational commitment, while fully recognising the vital contributions of many individuals outside those Centres.