> < ^ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 22:42:40 +0200
< ^ From: Alexander Konovalov <algebra@hotmail.zp.ua >
> < ^ Subject: Re: Underlying Gap's code..

Dear GAP-Froum, dear Saad,

In general, Print could print the code:

gap> Print(PcPresentationOfNormalizedUnit, "\n");
function ( KG )
    local  emb;
    emb := function ( x )
          local  coeffs, gens, w, i;
          coeffs := NormalizedUnitCF( KG, x );
          gens := GeneratorsOfGroup( PcNormalizedUnitGroup( KG ) );
          w := One( PcNormalizedUnitGroup( KG ) );
          for i  in [ 1 .. Length( coeffs ) ]  do
              if not coeffs[i] = Zero( LeftActingDomain( KG ) )  then
                  w := w * gens[i];
          return w;
    return emb;

But not always the output is what you mean:

gap> Print(Size,"\n");
<Operation "Size">

In the last case usually I refer to the library files in "lib"
directory or in the appropriate package directories. The hint is to
use some text search tools (like grep or built-in in Midnight
Commander or other file managers (if you have Windows, for example)
and locate this file. You may restrict search to *.gd files to get
more relevant results.

Please note that the GAP kernel is written in C. This mean that some
code cannot be discovered in *.gd files in such a way. You need to
search it in the "src" directory.

So, the answer may depend on the command you have in mind. If you need
to find a code for the certain specific command, you may write to us
and we will tell you where to find it.

Sincerely yours,
Alexander Konovalov

On Wednesday, September 17, 2003 at 2:56:28 PM
saad bedaiwi <saadchina@maktoob.com> wrote:

Dear Gap- Forum,

Is it possible to get the underlying code for Gap's commands?how


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