Dear GAP-Froum, dear Saad,
> But not always the output is what you mean:
> gap> Print(Size,"\n");
> <Operation "Size">
> gap>
In this case, ApplicableMethod can be used, for instance:gap> ApplicableMethod( Size, [ Group((1,2,3),(1,2)) ], 1 ); #I Searching Method for Size with 1 arguments: #I Total: 53 entries #I Method 13: ``Size: for a permutation group'', value: 31 function( G ) ... end gap> Print( last, "\n" ); function ( G ) return SizeStabChain( StabChainMutable( G ) ); end gap>
And then you can search the string "Size: for a permutation group" instead
of the string "Size" in the library (Alexander Konovalov told how to
search in the library).
Marco Costantini