Dear GAP-Forum,
When trying to be very clever in allowing to change the range of the
transitive groups library, I shot myself in the foot. So far, calling
'Galois' directly issues an error in version 3.4.3:
gap> Galois(x^3+13);
Error, Variable: 'TRANSDEGREES' must have a value
There are three possible ways to avoid this:
1. Call 'ReadGrp("trans")' before calling 'Galois'.
2. Add a line 'TRANSDEGREES:=15' to your .gaprc file. (I did this myself
long ago, so I did not find the error in the first place... Now I know
that I should not have done this. Sorry.)
3. change the file 'galois.g'. The paragraph starting in line 570 ought to
############################################################################# ## #V TRANSHAPEFREQS . . . . . . . . . . shape frequencies in transitive groups ## if not IsBound(TRANSHAPEFREQS) then ReadGrp("trans"); TRANSHAPEFREQS:=List([1..TRANSDEGREES],i->[]); fi;
I hope this does not imply problems for any user.
Alexander Hulpke
(who will not again fool around with the automatic library reading)