> < ^ Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 17:50:42 +0100
> < ^ From: Laurent Bartholdi <Laurent.Bartholdi@math.unige.ch >
> ^ Subject: derived and commutator subgroups

hello world,
maybe i'm missing something, but the following seems strange to me:

gap> F := FreeGroup("a","b"); G := F / [F.1^3, F.2^3];
# first term in lower central series
gap> L := [G];
# second term
gap> L[2] := CommutatorSubgroup(L[1],G);
Error the coset enumeration has defined more than 256000 cosets:
<snip snip>
gap> L[2] := DerivedSubgroup(G); # hurray!
gap> L[3] := CommutatorSubgroup(L[2],G);
Error the coset enumeration has defined more than 256000 cosets:
# and no way to obtain it...

so: since these L[n] are finitely generated, couldn't gap be able to
compute them? (and then, provide their index, etc)
and: why does derivedsubgroup() work, if there is an objection to
working with
infinite groups?

E-Mail: mailto:lbarth0@math.huji.ac.il (replace 0 by o)
S-Mail: Laurent Bartholdi c/o Grigorchuk, 11 Rhov Etsel, Jerusalem
Office: #304, Einstein Institute of Math., Hebrew University, 91904
Phones: +41 78 7480012 (mobile) +972 2 5815081 (home) +972 2 6586816

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