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GAP Manuals Online

Here are HTML and PDF versions of the manuals of the GAP 4.13.1 core system.

Book name            Description
Tutorial[PDF]     Tutorial, getting started with GAP
Reference[PDF]     The GAP reference manual
HPC-GAP[PDF]     HPC-GAP Reference Manual

There is also a common preface for main GAP manuals.

Package manuals

The following manuals of current GAP packages are also available.

Book name            Description
4ti2Interface [PDF]      A link to 4ti2
ACE [PDF]      Advanced Coset Enumerator
AClib [PDF]      Almost Crystallographic Groups - A Library and Algorithms
agt [PDF]      Algebraic Graph Theory
Alnuth [PDF]      Algebraic number theory and an interface to PARI/GP
ANUPQ [PDF]      ANU p-Quotient
AtlasRep [PDF]      A GAP Interface to the Atlas of Group Representations
AutoDoc [PDF]      Generate documentation from GAP source code
Automata [PDF]      A package on automata
AutomGrp [PDF]      Automata groups
AutPGrp [PDF]      Computing the Automorphism Group of a p-Group
Browse [PDF]      browsing applications and ncurses interface
CAP [PDF]      Categories, Algorithms, Programming
CaratInterface [PDF]      Interface to CARAT, a crystallographic groups package
CddInterface [PDF]      Gap interface to Cdd package
Circle [PDF]      Adjoint groups of finite rings
classicpres [PDF]      Classical Group Presentations
cohomolo [PDF]      Cohomology groups of finite groups on finite modules
Congruence [PDF]      Congruence subgroups of SL(2,Integers)
CoReLG [PDF]      Computing with real Lie algebras
crime [PDF]      A GAP Package to Calculate Group Cohomology and Massey Products
CRISP [PDF]      Computing with Radicals, Injectors, Schunck classes and Projectors
crypting [PDF]      Hashes and Crypto in GAP
Cryst [PDF]      Computing with crystallographic groups
CrystCat [PDF]      The crystallographic groups catalog
CTblLib [PDF]      The GAP Character Table Library
CTblLibXpls [PDF]     
Cubefree [PDF]      Constructing the Groups of a Given Cubefree Order
curl [PDF]      Simple Web Access
cvec [PDF]      Compact vectors over finite fields
datastructures [PDF]      Collection of standard data structures for GAP
DeepThought [PDF]      This package provides functions for computations in finitely generated nilpotent groups based on the Deep Thought algorithm.
DESIGN [PDF]      The Design Package for GAP
DifSets [PDF]      an algorithm for enumerating all difference sets in a group
Digraphs [PDF]      Graphs, digraphs, and multidigraphs in GAP
EDIM [PDF]      Elementary Divisors of Integer Matrices
Example [PDF]      Example/Template of a GAP Package
ExamplesForHomalg [PDF]      Examples for the GAP Package homalg
FactInt [PDF]      Advanced Methods for Factoring Integers
Ferret [PDF]      Backtrack Search in Permutation Groups
FGA [PDF]      Free Group Algorithms
FinInG [PDF]      Finite Incidence Geometry
float [PDF]      Integration of mpfr, mpfi, mpc, fplll and cxsc in GAP
FORMAT [PDF]      Computing with formations of finite solvable groups.
Forms [PDF]      Sesquilinear and Quadratic
fplsa [PDF]      Finitely Presented Lie Algebras
fr [PDF]      Computations with functionally recursive groups
Francy [PDF]      Framework for Interactive Discrete Mathematics
fwtree [PDF]      Computing trees related to some pro-p-groups of finite width
GAPDoc [PDF]      A Meta Package for GAP Documentation
GAPDoc Example [PDF]     
Gauss [PDF]      Extended Gauss functionality for GAP
GaussForHomalg [PDF]      Gauss functionality for the homalg project
GBNP [PDF]      computing Gröbner bases of noncommutative polynomials
GeneralizedMorphismsForCAP [PDF]      Implementations of generalized morphisms for the CAP project
genss [PDF]      Generic Schreier-Sims
GradedModules [PDF]      A homalg based package for the Abelian category of finitely presented graded modules over computable graded rings
GradedRingForHomalg [PDF]      Endow Commutative Rings with an Abelian Grading
GRAPE [PDF]      GRaph Algorithms using PErmutation groups
groupoids [PDF]      Calculations with finite groupoids and their homomorphisms
GrpConst [PDF]      Constructing the Groups of a Given Order
Guarana [PDF]      Applications of Lie methods for computations with infinite polycyclic groups
GUAVA [PDF]      a GAP package for computing with error-correcting codes
HAP [PDF]      Homological Algebra Programming
HAPcryst [PDF]      A HAP extension for crystallographic groups
HAPprog [PDF]     
hecke [PDF]      Calculating decomposition matrices of Hecke algebras
HeLP [PDF]      Hertweck-Luthar-Passi method.
homalg [PDF]      A homological algebra meta-package for computable Abelian categories
HomalgToCAS [PDF]      A window to the outer world
IdRel [PDF]      Identities among relations
images [PDF]      Minimal and Canonical images
IntPic [PDF]      A package for drawing integers
IO [PDF]      Bindings for low level C library I/O routines
IO_ForHomalg [PDF]      IO capabilities for the homalg project
irredsol [PDF]      A library of irreducible soluble linear groups over finite fields and of finite primivite soluble groups
ITC [PDF]      Interactive Todd-Coxeter
json [PDF]      Reading and Writing JSON
JupyterKernel [PDF]      Jupyter kernel written in GAP
JupyterViz [PDF]      Visualization Tools for Jupyter and the GAP REPL
Kan [PDF]      including double coset rewriting systems
kbmag [PDF]      Knuth-Bendix on Monoids and Automatic Groups
LAGUNA [PDF]      Lie AlGebras and UNits of group Algebras
LieAlgDB [PDF]      A database of Lie algebras
LiePRing [PDF]      Database and algorithms for Lie p-rings
LieRing [PDF]      Computing with finitely presented Lie rings
LinearAlgebraForCAP [PDF]      Category of Matrices over a Field for CAP
LINS [PDF]      provides an algorithm for computing the normal subgroups of a finitely presented group up to some given index bound.
LocalizeRingForHomalg [PDF]      A Package for Localization of Polynomial Rings
loops [PDF]      Computing with quasigroups and loops in GAP
lpres [PDF]      Nilpotent Quotients of L-Presented Groups
MajoranaAlgebras [PDF]      A package for constructing Majorana algebras and representations
MapClass [PDF]      A Package For Mapping Class Orbit Computation
matgrp [PDF]      Matric Group Interface Routines
MatricesForHomalg [PDF]      Matrices for the homalg project
ModIsom [PDF]      Computing automorphisms and checking isomorphisms for modular group algebras of finite p-groups
ModulePresentationsForCAP [PDF]      Category R-pres for CAP
Modules [PDF]      A homalg based package for the Abelian category of finitely presented modules over computable rings
MonoidalCategories [PDF]      Monoidal and monoidal (co)closed categories
NConvex [PDF]      A Gap package to perform polyhedral computations
Nilmat [PDF]      Computing with nilpotent matrix groups
NoCK [PDF]      Computing obstruction for the existence of compact Clifford-Klein form
NormalizInterface [PDF]      GAP wrapper for Normaliz
nq [PDF]      Nilpotent Quotients of Finitely Presented Groups
NumericalSgps [PDF]      A package for numerical semigroups
OpenMath [PDF]      OpenMath functionality in GAP
orb [PDF]      Methods to enumerate orbits
PackageManager [PDF]      Easily download and install GAP packages
PatternClass [PDF]      A permutation pattern class package
PERMUT [PDF]      A package to deal with permutability in finite groups
Polenta [PDF]      Polycyclic presentations for matrix groups
polycyclic [PDF]      Computation with polycyclic groups
polymaking [PDF]      Interfacing the geometry software polymake
primgrp [PDF]      GAP Primitive Permutation Groups Library
profiling [PDF]      Line by line profiling and code coverage for GAP
QDistRnd [PDF]      Calculate the distance of a q-ary quantum stabilizer code
QPA [PDF]      Quivers and Path Algebras
QuaGroup [PDF]      Computations with quantum groups
RadiRoot [PDF]      Roots of a Polynomial as Radicals
RCWA [PDF]      Residue-Class-Wise Affine Groups
RDS [PDF]      A package for searching relative difference sets
recog [PDF]      A package for constructive recognition of permutation and matrix groups
RepnDecomp [PDF]      Decompose representations of finite groups into irreducibles
Repsn [PDF]      Constructing representations of finite groups
ResClasses [PDF]      Set-Theoretic Computations with Residue Classes
RingsForHomalg [PDF]      Dictionaries of external rings
SCO [PDF]      SCO - Simplicial Cohomology of Orbifolds
SCSCP [PDF]      Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol in GAP
Semigroups [PDF]      A package for semigroups and monoids
SglPPow [PDF]      Database of groups of prime-power order for some prime-powers
SgpViz [PDF]      A package for semigroup visualization
simpcomp [PDF]      A GAP toolbox for simplicial complexes
singular [PDF]      A GAP interface to Singular
SL2Reps [PDF]      Constructing symmetric representations of SL(2,Z).
SLA [PDF]      Computing with simple Lie algebras
smallgrp [PDF]      The GAP Small Groups Library
Smallsemi [PDF]      A library of small semigroups
SONATA [PDF]      System of nearrings and their applications
SONATA Tutorial [PDF]     
Sophus [PDF]      Computing in nilpotent Lie algebras
SOTGrps [PDF]      Constructing and identifying groups of small order type
SpinSym [PDF]      Brauer tables of spin-symmetric groups
StandardFF [PDF]      Standard finite fields and cyclic generators
SymbCompCC [PDF]      Computing with parametrised presentations for p-groups of fixed coclass
Thelma [PDF]      THreshold ELements, Modeling and Applications
TomLib [PDF]      The GAP Library of Tables of Marks
ToolsForHomalg [PDF]      Special methods and knowledge propagation tools
toric [PDF]      toric varieties and some combinatorial geometry computations
ToricVarieties [PDF]      A package to handle toric varieties
transgrp [PDF]      Transitive Groups Library
typeset [PDF]      Automatic typesetting framework for common GAP objects, with LaTeX generation
UGALY [PDF]      Universal Groups Acting LocallY
unipot [PDF]      Computing with elements of unipotent subgroups of Chevalley groups
UnitLib [PDF]      Library of normalized unit groups of modular group algebras
Utils [PDF]      Utility functions in GAP
uuid [PDF]      RFC 4122 UUIDs
walrus [PDF]      A new approach to proving hyperbolicity
Wedderga [PDF]      Wedderburn Decomposition of Group Algebras
XGAP [PDF]      a graphical user interface for GAP
XMod [PDF]      Crossed Modules and Cat1-Groups
XModAlg [PDF]      Crossed Modules and Cat1-Algebras
YangBaxter [PDF]      Combinatorial Solutions for the Yang-Baxter equation
ZeroMQInterface [PDF]      ZeroMQ bindings for GAP