[GAP Forum] A command

Sara Dikson s.dikson2016 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 18:32:07 BST 2016

Dear Forum
I use "QuoInt" command for elements of a list.
Gap returns me a list with some empty spaces like following example:

gap> L:=[2,23,10,15];

[ 2, 23, 10, 15 ]

gap> M:=[];;

gap> for i in L do

> M[i]:=QuoInt(465372-Sum(L),i)+3;

> od; M;

[ , 232664,,,,,,,, 46535,,,,, 31024,,,,,,,, 20234 ]

Although I can compact M by "Compacted(M)", I want a command for "for" loop
which does not create any empty spaces. Is it possible?

I mean I need such a command that calculate ''QuoInt'' for five elements of
list "L" and no more.

I need it because I think  the empty spaces for a list with large
integer takes up a lot of memory.

Best regards


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