[GAP Forum] "Error, no method found" in IsIrreducibleRingElement

Charles Greathouse crgreathouse at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 19:39:07 BST 2016

I'm having trouble getting IsIrreducibleRingElement (and IsPrime) working
on SmallRing elements. For example:

gap> r := SmallRing(4,4); # example ring
<ring with 2 generators>
gap> e := Elements(r)[2]; # example element
gap> IsIrreducibleRingElement(e);
Error, no method found! For debugging hints type ?Recovery from
Error, no 1st choice method found for `IsIrreducibleRingElement' on 2
arguments called from
IsIrreducibleRingElement( DefaultRing( [ r ] ), r ) called from
<function "unknown">( <arguments> )
 called from read-eval loop at line 3 of *stdin*
you can 'quit;' to quit to outer loop, or
you can 'return;' to continue
brk> quit;
gap> IsIrreducibleRingElement(r,e);
Error, no method found! For debugging hints type ?Recovery from
Error, no 1st choice method found for `IsIrreducibleRingElement' on 2
arguments called from
<function "HANDLE_METHOD_NOT_FOUND">( <arguments> )
 called from read-eval loop at line 3 of *stdin*
you can 'quit;' to quit to outer loop, or
you can 'return;' to continue

Switching rings, elements, versions, and operating systems hasn't helped.
Am I missing something?

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