[GAP Forum] make testinstall fails with GAP 4r8p4

Bill Allombert Bill.Allombert at math.u-bordeaux.fr
Sat Jun 11 22:20:09 BST 2016

Dear GAP team,

I just tried to build gap 4r8p4 and make testinstall fails:

testing: /tmp/gap4r8/tst/testinstall/morpheus.tst
########> Diff in /tmp/gap4r8/tst/testinstall/morpheus.tst, line 14:
# Input is:
LoadPackage("autpgrp", false);;
# Expected output:
# But found:
#I  autpgrp package is not available. Check that the name is correct
#I  and it is present in one of the GAP root directories (see

testing: /tmp/gap4r8/tst/testinstall/grpmat.tst
########> Diff in /tmp/gap4r8/tst/testinstall/grpmat.tst, line 32:
# Input is:
Size( AutomorphismGroup( G ) );
# Expected output:
# But found:
#I  autpgrp package is not available. Check that the name is correct
#I  and it is present in one of the GAP root directories (see

This is due to the extra warnings for missing packages.
make testinstall is not supposed to require extra packages.


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