[GAP Forum] Efficient transposition

Anvita anvita21 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 01:04:34 BST 2015

Dear Forum,

Is there a way to transpose economically a large rectangular matrix?
By `economically' I mean without using much additional memory,
but possibly destroying the original matrix.
I keep getting an error of the following kind.

gap> M:=NullMat(4,6,GF(5));
gap> TransposedMatDestructive(M);
Error, Unbind of entry of locked compressed vector is forbidden in
  Unbind( mat[j][m + i] ); called from
<function "unknown">( <arguments> )
 called from read-eval loop at line 62 of *stdin*
You can `return;' to ignore the assignment

Thank you

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