[GAP Forum] Galois Rings in GAP

Alexey Staroletov astaroletov at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 11:17:12 GMT 2014

Dear GAP forum,

Is it possible to obtain finite Galois Rings and their multiplicative group
of units in GAP?
Namely, factor rings of Z_{p^n}[x] by a basic irreducible polynomial over
I know how to build PolynomialRing but can't obtain factor rings by ideals.
This is an output of my GAP (4.6.3) session :

gap> T:=Integers mod 4;
(Integers mod 4)

gap> x:= Indeterminate( T, "x" );

gap> Pol:=x^4+x+1;

gap> R:=PolynomialRing( T );

gap> Pol in  R;

gap> I:=IdealByGenerators(R, [Pol]);
<two-sided ideal in <object>[x], (1 generators)>

gap> NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal( R, I );
Error, no method found! For debugging hints type ?Recovery from
Error, no 3rd choice method found for `NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal' on 2
arguments called from
<function "HANDLE_METHOD_NOT_FOUND">( <arguments> )
 called from read-eval loop at line 32 of *stdin*
you can 'quit;' to quit to outer loop, or
you can 'return;' to continue

NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal doesn't work even when T is a finite field of a
prime order (so in this case the corresponding factor ring should be also a
finite field).
Does anyone know how It can be calculated?

Best regards,
Staroletov Alexey

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