[GAP Forum] Reading group elements from CSV file

Ha T. Lam hatlam at gmail.com
Tue Aug 13 08:59:38 BST 2013

Dear GAP forum,

I saved the output of some computation as a csv file consisting of group
elements, like so:


Now I want to read these elements back and use them as group elements for
the group g:=DihedralGroup(8). I used ReadCSV(filename). First I realized
that group elements need to be referred to as g.1, g.2, etc. An easy search
and replace with my text editor took care of that, so now my csv file looks


But what I get back is actually a list of records consisting of strings,
not actually group elements. How do I evaluate these strings so that GAP
knows that I'm referring to the group elements instead?

Thank you for your help.

Ha T. Lam

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