[GAP Forum] cyclotomic number

Alexander Konovalov alexk at mcs.st-and.ac.uk
Tue Jun 11 20:31:56 BST 2013

On 5 Jun 2013, at 16:08, Flisphy wrote:

> Dear gap developers,
>  Could I convert cyclotomic number into complex number using gap?
>  yours,
>  Peng Long

Dear Peng Long,

cyclotomic numbers *are* complex numbers - I guess what you may have in 
mind is getting a floating-point approximation of the real and imaginary
parts of a cyclotomic number. This can be achieved using the GAP package
Float by Laurent Bartholdi: see 


For example,

gap> LoadPackage("float");
Loading FLOAT 0.5.10 ...
gap> SetFloats(MPC);                                                  
gap> Float(E(6));
gap> x:=E(3)+E(5)^2;
gap> y:=Float(x);                                               
gap> Norm(y);
gap> RealPart(y);
gap> ImaginaryPart(y);
gap> ComplexConjugate(y);

See the documentation for the Float package for installation requirements
and further details. In particular, I am not aware of Float being usable
under Windows. 

Hope this helps,

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