[GAP Forum] Algebras

Sandeep Murthy sandeepr.murthy at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 17:51:21 GMT 2013


1. I can't make sense of the following result on GAP:

gap> IsAlgebraWithOne( MatAlgebra( Rationals, 1 ) );
gap> IsAlgebraWithOne( MatAlgebra( Rationals, 2 ) );
gap> IsAlgebraWithOne( DirectSumOfAlgebras( MatAlgebra( Rationals, 1 ), 
MatAlgebra( Rationals, 2 ) ) );

Surely the result should also be an algebra with one.

2. Is there a way to test for isomorphism between two
algebras indirectly, in the same way as for groups
(i.e. IsomorphismGroups( G, H ))?

Sincerely, Sandeep.

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