[GAP Forum] Finding certain subgroups from very large group

Kher Sham Lim khersham.lim at mpi-hd.mpg.de
Fri Feb 1 11:33:03 GMT 2013

Dear GAP forum

I have a very large group to study, say G (it is an automorphism group 
of a small group). G has order of 10 million and I am interested in 
knowing whether a certain known group, say H is a subgroup in G. To find 
H is impossible in GAP, as GAP tries to calculate all the subgroups and 
this process exceeds my computer's memory. Is there another command or 
algorithm in GAP to compute subgroup of specific order only, or at least 
limit the subgroup order? I used SONATA to obtain the subgroups by the 
way. Thanks in advanced.


Kher Sham Lim

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