[GAP Forum] ActionHomomorphism: can I also get

Frederic Vanhove fvanhove at cage.UGent.be
Thu Dec 6 07:02:19 GMT 2012


thanks for your reply, but I'm afraid I don't really understand.
Perhaps it would indeed help if I'd explain what I really want to do:

#small permutation representation

#big permutation representation
g:=AllPrimitiveGroups(DegreeOperation,1120, Size, 9170703360)[2];

subset:=[ 1, 3, 13, 53, 106, 143, 149, 161, 233, 263, 268, 281, 284, 
295, 333, 370,
   378, 410, 421, 439, 459, 496, 541, 546, 565, 597, 628, 683, 695, 696, 
   738, 795, 868, 881, 907, 934, 999, 1021, 1038 ];

(note: the stabilizer in g of subset does not act faithfully on that 
subset, it has size 51840*486.)

Now suppose I have found (through a separate and lengthy computation) 
that [1,3,5,6,10] is a peculiar subset of [1..40] with respect to the 
first representation. How could I transform it into a corresponding 
subset of
[ 1, 3, 13, 53, 106, 143, 149, 161, 233, 263, 268, 281, 284, 295, 333, 370,
   378, 410, 421, 439, 459, 496, 541, 546, 565, 597, 628, 683, 695, 696, 
   738, 795, 868, 881, 907, 934, 999, 1021, 1038 ]

Many thanks,
Kind regards,

Op 05/12/12 18:59, Alexander Hulpke schreef:
> Dear Forum, Dear Drederic,
>> some time ago the command ActionHomomorphism was recommend to me. I was now wondering, if I have two equivalent permutation groups, can I get a bijection between the groups as well as a corresponding bijection between the sets on which they act?
>> For instance:
>> g1:=Group((1,2),(3,4),(1,3));
>> g2:=Group((1,2),(2,3));
>> gaction1:=Action(Stabilizer(g1,1),[2..4],OnPoints);
>> gaction2:=Action(g2,[1..3],OnPoints);
> Your syntax is a bit confused here. Basically
> Action(G,set,op)=Image(ActionHomomorphism(G,set,op)).
> The action homomorphism preserves the connection to the initial group, the action is just the resulting permutation group. Thus
>> ActionHomomorphism(gaction1,gaction2);
> does not make sense.
> If you call `RepresentativeAction(symmetricgroup,g1,g2)' you get a permutation that conjugates one group into the other. So it is a bijection between the groups given by a bijection of the underlying domain.
> However I suspect that you actually want to test for equivalence of actions, i.e. you have a group G acting on two sets omega1 and omega2 and you want to see whether there is a bijection between the sets that makes the actions equivalent. In this case you need to find a permutation that maps the images of the same generating set to each other. This is actually a cheaper test than the one for mapping the groups.
> For example, consider these two actions of S4 on sets of order 2 or on cosets of a subgroup.
> gap> G:=SymmetricGroup(4);
> Sym( [ 1 .. 4 ] )
> gap> c:=Combinations([1..4],2);
> [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 3, 4 ] ]
> gap> act1:=ActionHomomorphism(G,c,OnSets,"surjective");
> <action epimorphism>
> gap> U:=Subgroup(G,[(1,3),(2,4)]);
> Group([ (1,3), (2,4) ])
> gap> Index(G,U);
> 6
> gap> T:=RightCosets(G,U);
> [ RightCoset(Group( [ (1,3), (2,4) ] ),()),
>    RightCoset(Group( [ (1,3), (2,4) ] ),(3,4)),
>    RightCoset(Group( [ (1,3), (2,4) ] ),(2,3)),
>    RightCoset(Group( [ (1,3), (2,4) ] ),(1,2)),
>    RightCoset(Group( [ (1,3), (2,4) ] ),(1,2)(3,4)),
>    RightCoset(Group( [ (1,3), (2,4) ] ),(1,3,4,2)) ]
> gap> act2:=ActionHomomorphism(G,T,OnRight,"surjective");
> <action epimorphism>
> gap> imgs1:=List(GeneratorsOfGroup(G),x->Image(act1,x));
> [ (1,4,6,3)(2,5), (2,4)(3,5) ]
> gap> imgs2:=List(GeneratorsOfGroup(G),x->Image(act2,x));
> [ (1,5)(2,3,4,6), (1,4)(2,5) ]
> Now search for an element that maps the elements of imgs1 to those of imgs2 in the same arrangement:
> gap> rep:=RepresentativeAction(SymmetricGroup(6),imgs1,imgs2,OnTuples);
> (1,3,2)
> Verify:
> gap> List(imgs1,x->x^(1,3,2));
> [ (1,5)(2,3,4,6), (1,4)(2,5) ]
> So (1,3,2) is the permutation indicating how to reorder the elements of c to get the same action.
> If you can replace the symmetric group with something smaller (you might do a prearrangement by hand so that for example both actions have the same blocks) this will help in larger degrees.
> (If this is not of help or not what you want feel free to send me the actual problem you want to solve.)
> Best,
>    Alexander

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