[GAP Forum] strange error in while loop

Malka Schaps mschaps at math.biu.ac.il
Sun Nov 4 14:31:24 GMT 2012

Dear All,
     I was implementing a Brauer character mapping for spin blocks, and
used a loop

Flag := 0
while Flag = 0
The loop worked fine and went around three times, and then at some point
Flag := 1

It got to the od; at the bottom, jumped up to the while and then I got
an error message

error no 1st choice method for '[ ]'with 2 arguments in Flag = 0 called
from .....

What causes such an error?  I got it once before, when trying to read
entries in an empty list, but Flag is not a list.

Malka Schaps

Prof. Malka Schaps
partment of Mathematics
Bar-Ilan University
Ramat-Gan,Israel 52900
Office: 03-5318767

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