[GAP Forum] A small question about matrices

Igor Korepanov paloff at ya.ru
Thu Jun 7 16:37:41 BST 2012

Dear Max,

Thank you very much. Now I have no more questions. Just an explanation why I was asking them, actually *after* having read, in the "Reference" GAP manual, that

>  TriangulizeMat( <mat> )
>   applies  the  Gaussian  Algorithm to the mutable matrix <mat> and changes
>   <mat>  such  that it is in upper triangular normal form (sometimes called
>   ``Hermite normal form'').

The point was that if you search in the net, for instance, what "Hermite normal form" would mean, you may run upon something like this: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HermiteNormalForm.html . And not much easier with "upper triangular normal form". Also, linear algebra is my favorite subject for some 40 years, partly because it is not dogmatic :D

But again, now everything is fixed with my question, and thank you once again.


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