[GAP Forum] Lie rings

Max Horn max at quendi.de
Wed Jun 6 15:36:41 BST 2012

Dear Laurent,

Am 06.06.2012 um 16:18 schrieb Laurent Bartholdi:

> Dear forum,
> I'd like to do some calculations with Lie rings (i.e. Lie algebras
> over Z) which are not free additive modules. I.e., the underlying
> additive group is Z/64 x Z/64 x Z/16 x Z/4, and I know the bracket of
> basis elements.
> I searched through the manual and forum, and saw no mention of Lie
> rings which are not algebras -- let alone how to contruct them.
> Is there a way of doing this?

Willem de Graaf and Serena Cicalò have a nice package for this under development:

Moreover, I implemented various routines for compute Schur multipliers, epicenters etc. of Lie rings (those are not yet in a GAP package, though).


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