[GAP Forum] idetification of Hall_senior and Small Group library numbers

Walter Becker w_becker at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 17 14:21:00 BST 2012

There have been a few requests for this conversion, but one obvious way to get
the numbers for specific cases, as opposed to the full set of numerical 
correspondences would be just to type in the presentation from 
the Hall-Senior list and ask GAP to identify teh group in question.

Presentations can e found in either the Hall Senior tables or in an 
article of Sag and Wamsley in (I think ) Journal of the Australian Math 
society around 1975. (These are minimal presentations for groups of 
order 2,4,8,16,32, and 64. and are generally correct--I think one or two
may have typos in them.)  


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