[GAP Forum] Using GAP to generate group by relations

Linda Cupples linda.j.cupples at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 10:58:47 BST 2012


I've been having trouble with mathematica and this group I'm working with,
the abstractalgebra function "GenerateGroupByRelations[]" wasn't liking the
group so I've started reading through the documentation for GAP.

For the record the mathematica command I was using was

G = GenerateGroupoidByRelations[{a, b}, {a^4 == e, b^4 == e, a ** b ** a **
b == e, a^3 ** b ** a^3 ** b == e}, SizeLimit -> 60]

I haven't been able to find a similar function like this to generate a
group by relations, like a^4 = e and so on,

Is it possible to do this using GAP?

Thanks in advance,


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