[GAP Forum] Using singular from GAP

Jason B Hill Jason.B.Hill at Colorado.edu
Tue Sep 27 19:09:03 BST 2011

Two links to consider along the lines mentioned by Dima:

1) http://www.sagemath.org/doc/reference/sage/interfaces/gap.html

That includes an introduction to GAP+Singular inside Sage. There is
also a section called "Changing which GAP is Used," which is useful if
one wants to use a GAP other than the one found in
sage_root/local/lib/gap-version. (I've found this useful more than one
might first think. E.g., to modify the GAP library or add custom GAP

2) http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/7797

This is an active ticket within the recent 24 hours at the time I
write this e-mail. It appears to be near a positive review, and the
patches are linked from that page if you want to use them.


Jason B. Hill
http://math.jasonbhill.com Jason.B.Hill at Colorado.edu

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