[GAP Forum] Display of matrices

Ivo Hedtke hedtke at me.com
Fri Aug 19 12:38:36 BST 2011

Hi Benjamin,

Am 19.08.2011 um 12:10 schrieb Benjamin Sambale:

> The second one: I also want to consider "large" matrices with say 100 rows. Here I don't want that the Display command breaks lines. Instead I want to scroll through the output. This is very useful in order to recognize patterns. Since this question might also depend on the operating system, I have to say that I use Arch Linux and bash as shell. Increasing the COLUMNS variable doesn't change anything. Any ideas?

I use "gap -x 200" to allow a line length of 200 characters. Maybe this helps.
If this don't work in a terminal, it will work if you write the output of gap into a file. Then you can scroll in that text file.


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