[GAP Forum] Cayley sum graph

饶广 generalrao at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 16 08:22:28 BST 2011

Dear forum,
I am new in GAP. Maybe this is just a very simple question. 
Cayley sum graph Cay^+(G,S) is a graph on an abelian group G and two vertices are adjacent iff their sum lies in S.
I am trying to draw Cay^+(Z_2\timesZ_6,{(0,1),(1,2),(1,3)}) and do the following in GAP:
>Graph(Group(()),Elements(G),OnPoints, function(x,y) return x*y in S; end, true);
This returns an error. I guess the problem is how to refer the elements of a group to the vertex set.
In addition, I also want to test if this graph is hamiltonian or not. But I couldn't find a direct function for this. Does anyone know about this?
Thanks very much,

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