[GAP Forum] International Journal of Group Theory: Call for papers

Alireza Abdollahi a.abdollahi at math.ui.ac.ir
Sun Jun 12 16:34:55 BST 2011

                                                                                         International Journal of Group Theory 
                                                                             Call for Papers
                                                                ============================== ===========================
Dear Colleagues,
The International Journal of Group Theory (IJGT) is a publication of the University of Isfahan in English. IJGT is an international mathematical journal founded in 2011. It carries original research articles in the field of group theory. IJGT aims to reflect the latest developments in group theory and promote international academic exchanges. IJGT is an international open access journal. There is no publication charge. 
All accepted papers will  publish on the journal web page in the ``Articles  in Press" section  and anyone can access to them free of any charge.
After printing, all papers will publish on the journal web and can be accessed free of any charge. 
See the Editorial Board here: http://www.theoryofgroups.ir/journal/editorial.board
Visit the Journal web page here:       http://www.theoryofgroups.ir/
Best Regards
Alireza Abdollahi
Editor-in-Chief of IJGT
Alireza Abdollahi
Department of Mathematics
University of Isfahan 
Isfahan 81746-73441,Iran
a.abdollahi at math.ui.ac.ir
abdollahi at member.ams.org

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