[GAP Forum] method ... matches more than one declaration

Stephen Linton sal at cs.st-andrews.ac.uk
Tue Apr 5 15:03:10 BST 2011

Dear Igor,

Could you try starting GAP with the -D option (and without -A and -r). 
This will produce a lot of messages. Could you send us the 10 or so either side of the error message, please?


On 5 Apr 2011, at 14:46, Alexander Konovalov wrote:

> Dear Igor,
> Thank you very much for notifying us about the intended package, and you are very 
> welcome to present it for a wider audience.
> To decide what to do next when your package will be available, please see the page 
> Submitting Contributions to GAP: http://www.gap-system.org/Contacts/submit.html
> Quoting that page, there are two options listed there:
> ***
> 1) Submitting Material for Formal Refereeing
> The author of a contribution that is intended for formal acceptance should begin the process by notifying the Chair of the GAP Council by emailing council at gap-system.org, providing full information where the complete material has been placed.
> 2) Submitting Deposited Contributions
> You are also invited to provide material that is not intended for formal refereeing. To tell us about such material, contact support at gap-system.org. (Packages can also be put into this category while refereeing is in process.)
> ***
> It is up to package authors to decide between these two options, and certainly it's possible to start with (2) and then decide to submit as in (1) at some stage later, or to submit the package for the refereeing as in (1) with or without depositing it simultaneously as in (2). 
> Best wishes,
> Alexander
> On 5 Apr 2011, at 13:01, Igor Korepanov wrote:
>> Dear Alexander,
>> Thank you for the prompt reaction to my message,
>> and indeed, when I started GAP with
>> gap -r -A -l ";/home/myhome/gap"
>> (where the -l option was added because I prefer not to act as a superuser, leaving this privilege to my wife), and then wrote
>> gap> LoadPackage("PL");
>> there was *no more* such problem.
>> So, thank you again, and the question is: what will you recommend me to do next?
>> Igor
>> 05.04.2011, 15:46, "Alexander Konovalov" <alexander.konovalov at gmail.com>:
>>> Dear Igor,
>>> On 5 Apr 2011, at 07:34, Igor Korepanov wrote:
>>>> Dear Forum,
>>>> We are writing our new GAP package called PL, which stays for "piecewise-linear" topology and mathematical physics. As some functions already work, I think we will make it available for public (support and) critisism soon.
>>>> However, when GAP reads our package, it writes out:
>>>> #I  method installed for UnderlyingField matches more than one declaration
>>>> How can I fish out and fix this bug?
>>> There is a large chance that this is a problem with a different package - for example,
>>> I can reproduce it when I start GAP 4.4.12 with -A option (so no autoloaded packages
>>> are loaded), but without -r option (so it reads my .gaprc file and loads packages
>>> stated there).
>>> Could you try to start GAP with -r -A options and then do
>>> LoadPackage("PL");
>>> to check if the problem persists?
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Alexander
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