[GAP Forum] ring theory

Igor Korepanov paloff at ya.ru
Sat Jan 22 08:56:28 GMT 2011

Still something more: one person told me to write what sort of GAP I am using. Here it is:

gap> GAPInfo;
rec( Version := "4.4.12", Date := "17-Dec-2008", KernelVersion := "4.4.12", 
  NeedKernelVersion := [ "4.4.12" ], 
  Architecture := "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc", 
  SystemCommandLine := [ "/usr/libexec/gap/gap", "-m", "32m", "-l", 
      "/usr/share/gap" ], 
  SystemEnvironment := [ "ORBIT_SOCKETDIR=/tmp/orbit-bossik", 
", "SSH_AGENT_PID=4415", "XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome-", "SHELL=/bin/bash", 
60312593", "GTK_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk/gtkrc:/home/bossik/.gtkrc-1.2-gnome2", 
      "WINDOWID=54525955", "GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL=/tmp/keyring-RKZ0cf", 
      "SBCL_HOME=/usr/lib64/sbcl", "USER=bossik", 
      "GDK_USE_XFT=1", "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/keyring-RKZ0cf/ssh", 
      "CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK=/etc/sandbox.d /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/gconf /et\
c/terminfo /etc/ca-certificates.conf /etc/texmf/web2c /etc/texmf/language.dat.\
d /etc/texmf/language.def.d /etc/texmf/updmap.d /etc/revdep-rebuild", 
      "PAGER=/usr/bin/less", "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg", 
-bin/4.4.4:/usr/games/bin", "SBCL_SOURCE_ROOT=/usr/lib64/sbcl/src", 
      "PWD=/home/bossik/Papers/ks", "EDITOR=/bin/nano", "LANG=en_US.UTF-8", 
      "GDM_LANG=en_US.UTF-8", "GDMSESSION=gnome", "SHLVL=1", 
      "HOME=/home/bossik", "GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-deprecated", 
      "LESS=-R -M --shift 5", "LOGNAME=bossik", "CVS_RSH=ssh", 
      "LESSOPEN=|lesspipe.sh %s", "WINDOWPATH=7", 
      "DISPLAY=:0.0", "OPENGL_PROFILE=nvidia", 
      "XAUTHORITY=/home/bossik/.Xauthority", "COLORTERM=gnome-terminal" ], 
  RootPaths := [ "/usr/share/gap/" ], UserHome := "/home/bossik", 
  gaprc := "/home/bossik/.gaprc", 
  DirectoriesLibrary := rec( trans := [ dir("/usr/share/gap/trans/") ], 
      pkg := [ dir("/usr/share/gap/pkg/") ], 
      doc/tut := [ dir("/usr/share/gap/doc/tut/") ], 
      doc/ref := [ dir("/usr/share/gap/doc/ref/") ], 
      doc/ext := [ dir("/usr/share/gap/doc/ext/") ], 
      doc/prg := [ dir("/usr/share/gap/doc/prg/") ], 
      doc/new := [ dir("/usr/share/gap/doc/new/") ] ), 
  DirectoriesSystemPrograms := [ "/usr/local/bin/", "/usr/bin/", "/bin/", 
      "/opt/bin/", "/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/4.4.4/", 
      "/usr/games/bin/" ], DirectoriesPrograms := false, 
  DirectoriesTemporary := [  ], DirectoryCurrent := false, 
  ReadObsolete := true, 
  CommandLineOptions := rec( A := false, B := "", D := false, E := false, 
      K := "0", L := "", M := false, N := false, O := false, P := "0", 
      U := "", W := "0", R := "", T := false, X := false, Y := false, 
      a := "0", b := false, c := "0", e := false, f := false, g := 0, 
      i := "", l := [ "/usr/share/gap" ], m := "32m", n := false, 
      o := "256m", p := false, q := false, r := false, x := "80", y := "24", 
      z := "20" ), 
  BannerString := "    \n            #########           ######         ######\
#####           ###  \n         #############          ######         ########\
####         ####  \n        ##############         ########        ##########\
###       #####  \n       ###############         ########        #####   ####\
##      #####  \n      ######         #         #########       #####    #####\
     ######  \n     ######                   ##########       #####    #####  \
  #######  \n     #####                    ##### ####       #####   ######   #\
#######  \n     ####                    #####  #####      #############   ### \
 ####  \n     #####     #######       ####    ####      ###########    ####  #\
###  \n     #####     #######      #####    #####     ######        ####   ###\
#  \n     #####     #######      #####    #####     #####         ############\
#\n      #####      #####     ################    #####         #############\
\n      ######     #####     ################    #####         #############\n\
      ################    ##################   #####                ####  \n  \
     ###############    #####        #####   #####                ####  \n    \
     #############    #####        #####   #####                ####  \n      \
    #########      #####          #####  #####                ####  \n        \
                                                                  \n     Infor\
mation at:  http://www.gap-system.org\n     Try '?help' for help. See also  '?\
copyright' and  '?authors'\n    \n", ViewLength := 3, MaxNrArgsMethod := 6, 
  ScanCommandLineOption := function( name, type, default ) ... end, 
  PackagesLoaded := 
    rec( tomlib := [ "/usr/share/gap/pkg/tomlib", "1.1.4", "TomLib" ] ), 
  PackagesInfo := 
    rec( tomlib := [ rec( PackageName := "TomLib", MyVersion := "1r1p4", 
              MyWWWHome := "http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Thomas.Breuer", 
              Subtitle := "The GAP Library of Tables of Marks", 
              Version := "1.1.4", Autoload := true, Date := "20/11/2008", 
              PackageWWWHome := "http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Thomas.Breuer\
/tomlib", ArchiveURL := "http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Thomas.Breuer/tomlib/\
tomlib1r1p4", ArchiveFormats := ".tar.gz,.zoo", 
              Persons := [ rec( LastName := "Breuer", FirstNames := "Thomas", 
                      IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := true, 
                      Email := "sam at math.rwth-aachen.de", 
                      WWWHome := "http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Thomas.Breue\
r", Place := "Aachen", 
                      Institution := "Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aa\
chen", PostalAddress := "Thomas Breuer\nLehrstuhl D für Mathematik\nTempl\
ergraben 64\n52062 Aachen\nGermany" ), 
                  rec( LastName := "Merkwitz", FirstNames := "Thomas", 
                      IsAuthor := true, IsMaintainer := false, 
                      Email := "Thomas.Merkwitz at Team4.DE" ), 
                  rec( LastName := "Pfeiffer", FirstNames := "Götz", 
                      IsAuthor := true, IsMaintainer := false, 
                      Email := "goetz.pfeiffer at nuigalway.ie", 
                      Place := "Galway" ) ], Status := "deposited", 
              README_URL := "http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Thomas.Breuer/tom\
lib/README", PackageInfoURL := "http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Thomas.Breuer/\
              AbstractHTML := "The package contains the <span class=\"pkgname\
\">GAP</span> Library of Tables of Marks", 
              PackageDoc := [ rec( BookName := "TomLib", 
                      ArchiveURLSubset := [ "doc", "htm" ], 
                      HTMLStart := "htm/chapters.htm", 
                      PDFFile := "doc/manual.pdf", 
                      SixFile := "doc/manual.six", 
                      LongTitle := "The GAP Library of Tables of Marks", 
                      Autoload := true ) ], 
              Dependencies := rec( GAP := ">= 4.4", 
                  NeededOtherPackages := [  ], 
                  SuggestedOtherPackages := [ [ "ctbllib", ">= 1.1" ] ], 
                  ExternalConditions := [  ] ), 
              AvailabilityTest := function( arg ) ... end, 
              TestFile := "tst/testall.g", 
              Keywords := [ "table of marks", "Burnside matrix", 
                  "subgroup lattice", "finite simple groups", 
                  "Moebius function", "Euler function" ], 
              InstallationPath := "/usr/share/gap/pkg/tomlib" ) ] ), 
  TestData := rec(  ), BytesPerVariable := 8, 
  CompareKernelVersions := function(  ) ... end, 
  LoadedComponents := rec( small := "2.1", small2 := "2.0", small3 := "2.0", 
      small4 := "1.0", small5 := "1.0", small6 := "1.0", small7 := "1.0", 
      small8 := "1.0", small9 := "1.0", small10 := "0.2", id2 := "3.0", 
      id3 := "2.1", id4 := "1.0", id5 := "1.0", id6 := "1.0", id9 := "1.0", 
      id10 := "0.1", trans := "1.0", prim := "2.1" ), 
  PackagesRestrictions := rec( 
      anupq := rec( OnInitialization := function( pkginfo ) ... end, 
          OnLoad := function( pkginfo ) ... end ), 
      autpgrp := rec( OnInitialization := function( pkginfo ) ... end, 
          OnLoad := function( pkginfo ) ... end ), 
      guava := rec( OnInitialization := function( pkginfo ) ... end, 
          OnLoad := function( pkginfo ) ... end ) ), 
  SystemInformation := function( basic, extended ) ... end, 
  PackagesInfoAutoload := 
    rec( tomlib := [ rec( PackageName := "TomLib", MyVersion := "1r1p4", 
              MyWWWHome := "http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Thomas.Breuer", 
              Subtitle := "The GAP Library of Tables of Marks", 
              Version := "1.1.4", Autoload := true, Date := "20/11/2008", 
              PackageWWWHome := "http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Thomas.Breuer\
/tomlib", ArchiveURL := "http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Thomas.Breuer/tomlib/\
tomlib1r1p4", ArchiveFormats := ".tar.gz,.zoo", 
              Persons := [ rec( LastName := "Breuer", FirstNames := "Thomas", 
                      IsAuthor := false, IsMaintainer := true, 
                      Email := "sam at math.rwth-aachen.de", 
                      WWWHome := "http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Thomas.Breue\
r", Place := "Aachen", 
                      Institution := "Lehrstuhl D f&uuml;r Mathematik, RWTH Aa\
chen", PostalAddress := "Thomas Breuer\nLehrstuhl D f&uuml;r Mathematik\nTempl\
ergraben 64\n52062 Aachen\nGermany" ), 
                  rec( LastName := "Merkwitz", FirstNames := "Thomas", 
                      IsAuthor := true, IsMaintainer := false, 
                      Email := "Thomas.Merkwitz at Team4.DE" ), 
                  rec( LastName := "Pfeiffer", FirstNames := "G&ouml;tz", 
                      IsAuthor := true, IsMaintainer := false, 
                      Email := "goetz.pfeiffer at nuigalway.ie", 
                      Place := "Galway" ) ], Status := "deposited", 
              README_URL := "http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Thomas.Breuer/tom\
lib/README", PackageInfoURL := "http://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Thomas.Breuer/\
              AbstractHTML := "The package contains the <span class=\"pkgname\
\">GAP</span> Library of Tables of Marks", 
              PackageDoc := [ rec( BookName := "TomLib", 
                      ArchiveURLSubset := [ "doc", "htm" ], 
                      HTMLStart := "htm/chapters.htm", 
                      PDFFile := "doc/manual.pdf", 
                      SixFile := "doc/manual.six", 
                      LongTitle := "The GAP Library of Tables of Marks", 
                      Autoload := true ) ], 
              Dependencies := rec( GAP := ">= 4.4", 
                  NeededOtherPackages := [  ], 
                  SuggestedOtherPackages := [ [ "ctbllib", ">= 1.1" ] ], 
                  ExternalConditions := [  ] ), 
              AvailabilityTest := function( arg ) ... end, 
              TestFile := "tst/testall.g", 
              Keywords := [ "table of marks", "Burnside matrix", 
                  "subgroup lattice", "finite simple groups", 
                  "Moebius function", "Euler function" ], 
              InstallationPath := "/usr/share/gap/pkg/tomlib" ) ] ), 
  PackagesInfoAutoloadDocumentation := rec(  ), 
  PackagesInfoRefuseLoad := [  ], PackagesNames := [ "tomlib" ], 
  PackagesInfoInitialized := true )

22.01.2011, 08:36, "Igor Korepanov" <paloff at ya.ru>:
> Addition to my letter:
> GAP looks indeed buried in deep meditation; computer reports:
> Processor: 63% in use
> 22.01.2011, 08:23, "Igor Korepanov" <paloff at ya.ru>;:
>>  Dear GAP creators,
>>  here is my GAP session:
>>  gap> r := Ring( 10, 12 );
>>  <ring with 2 generators>
>>  gap> 10 in r;
>>   - and GAP is still thinking over this very profound question.
>>  What did I miss?
>>  Thank you in advance,
>>  Igor
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