[GAP Forum] next gap release

R.N. Tsai r_n_tsai at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 17 18:55:37 BST 2010

Dear gap-forum,
I read from another thread that there will be a new release
of gap. I'd like to request a small feature that can hopefully
be included : when assigning names to the generators of an algebra 

instead of :
AlgebraByStructureConstants( R, sctable, name1, name2, ... )
this would be more useful
AlgebraByStructureConstants( R, sctable, [name1, name2, ...] )
unless there's a better way to do the naming. It's easier to
work a list of names (second form) when the number of generators
is a variable...
PS. when is the next release scheduled for? any previews of changes?


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