[GAP Forum] How can I extend the "permitted memory"?

chakachak chakaben at gmx.de
Sun Mar 21 09:49:33 GMT 2010

Hello GAP-Forum,

I am new to GAP and I have a question concerning the "-o command line  

When I am giving GAP the StructureDescription-Command on a Group of  
order 3715891200 after half an hour or so GAP says:

"exceeded the permitted memory (`-o' command line option)"

As a MacBook-User I can´t do anything with the suggestions from the  
ReferenceManual: Whatever suggested key I pressed while opening GAP,  
I  did not accomplish to open the dialog box in which I should write  
the command the extend the workspace. And even if I would accomplish  
to open the dialog box, the ReferenceManual says, that as a MacOs- 
User it would be impossible to change the Workspace over the -o  
command line option...


How can I expand the workspace?

Thanks in advance

from Oliver Benjamin from Cologne in Germany.

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