[GAP Forum] Gap Emacs mode

Nikos Apostolakis nikos.ap at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 14:21:38 GMT 2009

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 8:30 AM,  <aker at gursey.gov.tr> wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for the code. I would definitely benefit from an emacs mode for GAP
> with more functionality.
> The code is not fully working, unfortunately. I think you have some other
> related code, which it is looking for.
> I have added your code to gap-mode.el.
> When I tried it, this is what happened:
> I have tried these command with these key bindings. The first and the last
> worked properly.
>> (define-key gap-mode-map "\C-c\C-s" 'nea-send-string-to-gap)
>> (define-key gap-mode-map "\C-c\C-l" 'nea-send-line-to-gap)
>> (define-key gap-mode-map "\C-c\C-r" 'nea-send-region-to-gap)
>> (define-key gap-mode-map "\C-c\C-f" 'nea-send-region-to-gap-as-file)
>> (define-key gap-mode-map "\C-ci" 'nea-ins-gap)
> For 2,3,4, I got the following error messages (with the same order).

Oops! Yeah, these functions have gone through several stages and
several names.  I believe the following code is correct.  Please check:

-- 8< -------- Begin Elisp Code

;; The name of the temp file should probably be randomly chosen.
;;; Haven't really used this command much.
(defun nea-send-region-to-gap-as-file (begin end)
 "Have GAP read the contents of the region as a file."
 (interactive "r")
 (let ((temp-gap-file "/tmp/tmp.gap"))
   (write-region  begin end temp-gap-file)
   (nea-send-string-to-gap (concat "Read(\"" temp-gap-file "\");\n"))))

(defun nea-send-region-to-gap (begin end &optional arg)
 "Send region to gap."
 (interactive "r\nP")
 (let ((string (buffer-substring begin end)))
   (set-buffer "*gap*")
   (goto-char (point-max))
   (nea-send-string-to-gap string arg))))

(defun nea-send-line-to-gap (&optional arg)
 "Send current line to GAP."
 (interactive "P")
 (nea-send-region-to-gap (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position) arg))

-- 8< -------- End Elisp Code

Hope it works correctly now,

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