[GAP Forum] functions work wih conjugacy class

azhvan sanna azhvan at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 20 19:32:35 BST 2009

Dear GAP Forum,
This was my unsolved question: 
I want to calculate all eigenvalues of cubic cayley graphs associate
with sporadic simple group. So if G denote one of 26 sporadic simple
group, and X a set of generators with 3 elements, one "a" of order 2,
and the other "b" and "b^-1" of order greater than 2. then Cay(G,X) is
a cubic Cayley graph. and by a well-know formula for computing
eigenvalues of cayley graphs, we have: for each

"Xi" in Irr(G)
of degree n, we have n eigenvalues L_1, L_2,...,L_n each of them has
multiplicity n ( so in total this character "Xi" of

degree n gives us "n^2" eigenvalues of our graph). and we can compute them by Newton-Waring identities and following fact that 

for t from 1 to n we have (L_1)^t + (L_2)^t + ... +(L_n)^t =  Sum {Xi (x_1.x_2....x_t)} where sum is over the value of "Xi" on 

the all product of t elemnts from our generator set X.

this I will find a polynomial of degree n and roots give me the
eigenvalues, instead of determaining the characterestic polynomial of a
matrix of order |G| which for sporadic simple group this number is huge
and also finding their roots!

As you see, I need to calculate
this for every character in Irr(G), and evalute them in all t-product
of  elements of generator set.

I know this will involve lots of calculation as  mentioned it to me by Thomas Breuer. Because of the special case  here, I am just having a generator set of 3 elements, I would like to know is it any function to calculate for generator "a" and "b"  and conjugacy class "C" the number "n_{t,C}(a,b)" which calculates the number of t-products( products of length t of a,a^-1, b, b^-1) of a and b which belongs to the Conjugacy class "C" for t runs from 1 to max{ deg(Xi) | "Xi" runs over Irr(G)}?
Because after this point most of calculations above are pretty simple.


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