[GAP Forum] Extending Memory for GAP tasks on Macs OS X

Alexander Hulpke hulpke at me.com
Tue Apr 28 04:19:38 BST 2009

Dear Sandeep Murthy,

> I am running a GAP program (on a Mac Intel-dual core
> running OS X Leopard) which has to search
> in the space of all triples of subsets of a
> given group of size n, this space being 2^(3n)
> large.  At present, it seems that if n > 6 then
> GAP fails due to lack of permitted memory.

I suppose you get the GAP error message about running out of memory  
and GAP ends in the brk>-loop.
This is triggered once GAP allocates more than 256MB of memory (the  
limit is a few years old, one probably could set it higher for modern  
machines), it is there to avoid a ``runaway'' GAP-process allocating  
memory to a point that severely distresses a system also used for  
other purposes at the same time. (If you call GAP with command line  
option `-g', it will display the amount of memory allocated at each  
garbage collection and give you an idea about its footprint.)

In principle, you could type
and continue with more memory allocated but this is clumsy and  
infeasible for batch jobs.

A better solution however would be to call GAP with the -o command  
line option to set the warning level higher:
gap -o 1024m
would do 1GB for example. On a 2GB OSX machine I would probably keep  
this around 1GB if you want to do other things (email, web browsing)  
at the same time.

Hope this helps,

    Alexander Hulpke

-- Colorado State University, Department of Mathematics,
Weber Building, 1874 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1874, USA
email: hulpke at math.colostate.edu, Phone: ++1-970-4914288

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