[GAP Forum] [newbie] Direct product decomposition

T 145 times145 at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 17 19:56:24 GMT 2009

Joe, thanks; top job!

I'll use List(DirectFactorsOfGroup(G),StructureDescription) from now on.  That does what I need for things like C6, too, i.e. splits it down to indecomposable factors, which StructureDescription doesn't bother to do.


PS: "KRULL SCHMIDT"!  There, now it's associated with the keywords that I failed with originally :)

Joe> You can try DirectFactorsOfGroup(G);
Joe> You can also try StructureDescription(G), but keep in mind that that 
Joe> sometimes works very slowly, and it doesn't give you the actual subgroups.

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