[GAP Forum] Questions

Sandeep Murthy srmurthy at brookes.ac.uk
Mon Feb 16 06:45:20 GMT 2009


I have a couple of specific questions.

1. Is there a method that returns the inverse element of
any given element of a group?

2. Given that the operation

subsetTriplesG := Cartesian( Combinations( Elements( groupG ) ),
                                 Combinations( Elements( groupG ) ),
                                 Combinations( Elements( groupG ) ) );

constructs the set of all (ordered) triples of subsets of a given group
groupG, is there a method or combination of methods by which
I can obtain only those distinct triples of groupG which are not
permutations of each other, i.e. a set of distinct representatives
of an equivalence class of subset triples of groupG where
equivalence of two triples means one is a permutation of the

Sincerely, Sandeep.

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