[GAP Forum] (no subject)

David Hobby hobbyd at newpaltz.edu
Sat Jan 3 00:45:32 GMT 2009

Nicoleta Gramisteanu wrote:
> Please give in your ideas and suggestions for best algorithm on the following problems :
> In a kiosk (a stand, sort of shop), they decided to make a discount
>  if you buy two products, the cheaper is for free
>  we have 2n products with prices p1, p2, ..., p2n
>  order products in pair that the total cost  amount is minimized


Hi.  Maybe I misunderstand the problem.
It seems like the best algorithm is
"put them in linear order by price, and
then pair up adjacent ones".  I believe
there's an easy proof by induction on n
that that gives an optimal set of pairs.

Or please give a counter-example?


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