[GAP Forum] finding all isomorphisms

Marc Roeder marc_roeder at web.de
Tue Jul 8 16:34:14 BST 2008

Hi Bob,

here's one way of getting all isomorphisms:
Get one isomorphism and the group of automorphisms and then take all

gap> G:=Group([(1,2),(3,4)]);
Group([ (1,2), (3,4) ])
gap> iso:=IsomorphismGroups(G,SmallGroup(4,2));
[ (1,2), (3,4) ] -> [ f1, f2 ]
gap> allisos:=List(AutomorphismGroup(G),alpha->alpha*iso);
[ [ (1,2), (3,4) ] -> [ f1, f2 ], [ (1,2), (3,4) ] -> [ f1*f2, f2 ],
  [ (1,2), (3,4) ] -> [ f2, f1 ], [ (1,2), (3,4) ] -> [ f1*f2, f1 ],
  [ (1,2), (3,4) ] -> [ f2, f1*f2 ], [ (1,2), (3,4) ] -> [ f1, f1*f2 ] ]

Hope that helps,

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