[GAP Forum] how to build complex field using GAP?

Alexander Konovalov alexander.konovalov at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 13:37:47 GMT 2007

Dear GAP Forum,

On 23 Dec 2007, at 06:29, 董井成 wrote:

> Dear forum:
> how to build complex field using GAP?

GAP supports cyclotomic fields, which are extensions of Rationals
with complex roots of unity. Type




in the GAP prompt for their description.

In particular, GaussianRationals (see ?GaussianRationals )
constructs the field Q(i), where i^4=1.
In GAP the element i will be represented as E(4).

For example,

gap> R:=GaussianRationals;
gap> E(4) in R;
gap> E(4)^2;
gap> a:=2+3*E(4);
gap> a in R;
gap> a^-1;
gap> b:=-1+5*E(4);
gap> a*b;

Hope this helps,
Alexander Konovalov

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