[GAP Forum] GL(3,3) acting on a tensor product

Mathias Lederer mlederer at math.uni-bielefeld.de
Tue Oct 30 17:11:52 GMT 2007

Dear GAP forum,

I would like to compute the 1st cohomology of the group GL(3,3)  
acting on the tensor product of the modules M and D, where M and D  
are the following.

* M is the direct sum of 3 copies of GF(3) (on which GL(3,3) acts  
* D is the determinant of the 3-times-3-matrices over GL(3,3) (on  
which GL(3,3) also acts canonically).

As I am a novice to computing cohomology with GAP, I would be very  
happy about a hint if this can be done or not.


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