[GAP Forum] question about strings

Joao Araujo mjoao at classic.univ-ab.pt
Thu May 24 16:47:25 BST 2007

I use some programs to produce a file, say text.txt with content

This is

and I want to use GAP to manipulate it. In order to do that I 
open the file and write

u:="This is

Then I save the file and run

perl -e 'while (<>) { if (! /\|$/ ) { chomp; } print ;}' text.txt > text.out

in order to remove line breaks.

Finally I open a GAP session and write

gap> READ("text.out");

to get my original file in the string u.


1. the original files are very very big. It might take hours to reach the 
end of the file using the scroll of nano or pico. So I have been 
transfering the files to a Windows machine and use a word processor to
reach the end (and put ";; ). Then send the file back to the unix machine.

2. I have dozens of files of this kind...

Therefore I would be very grateful if someone could help me devise a 
faster and more automatic way to put the original text.txt file into a 
GAP string.

Many thanks,

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