[GAP Forum] Running gap while offline on a Unix system?

Justin C. Walker justin at mac.com
Mon Oct 30 23:31:13 GMT 2006

On Oct 30, 2006, at 13:27 , Scott Anderson wrote:

> I can easily put the entire computation script into
> a file, say "scott.g", and save the workspace at the
> end so I can come back later and load the workspace
> to get the results.  My question is, is it possible
> to tell Gap to run a particular script
> noninteractively?  Unix-wise, if I have a command
> that can run noninteractively I can "nohup
> <command-name> &", so can I use this with some
> option of Gap?  That is, can I say for instance
> "nohup gap < scott.g &" to get results?

Yes, this works.  Any output that is not otherwise handled will end  
up in the file 'nohup.out' in the directory where you issued the  


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
When LuteFisk is outlawed,
Only outlaws will have LuteFisk

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