[GAP Forum] this is a technical test only

Joe Rongen joerongen at sprint.ca
Tue Apr 11 16:19:39 BST 2006

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rudolf Zlabinger" <Rudolf.Zlabinger at chello.at>
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 8:18 AM
> Outlook Express has to be settled down to a minimal option set,
> causing a format without anything except plaintext. It was a piece 
> of hard work to guess that option set, I only came to an end as 
> Alexander adviced me to compare the output to a message, that 
> was an answer to an forum message, thus having the required format. 
> That was this test message. But to relate that output format to the 
> needed optionset was a merely puzzling thing.

In Outlook Express one simply clicks on "Format" or use
the keyboard shortcut: Alt + O.  Next, select  "Plain Text"
and that's it! Please note, Windows has lots of information-
help files, available by clicking: "Start" and "Help."

Regards Joe

"Life is a funny school, where the tests are
given before the material can be studied."

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