[degraaf@science.unitn.it: Re: [GAP Forum] Automorphism of Algebra]

Joachim Neubueser joachim.neubueser at math.rwth-aachen.de
Thu Mar 30 11:50:59 BST 2006

Dear Alper Odaba?

You are asking again in the GAP Forum about automorphisms of algebras,
after  you had  asked the  same question  before on  March 9  and your
letter had been answered by Willem De Graaf on March 10.

Just  in case  for some reason  Willem's letter has  not reached  you, I
append a copy.

However please understand that we want  to keep the GAP Forum, that is
read by  several hundred  colleagues worldwide, free  from unnecessary
mail. So certainly repeating a problem is unnecessary, but moreover we
make clear on the GAP website, that we ask all users to send questions
that are rather particular to them  but likely not of interest to many
of the Forum members to the address

support at gap-system.org 

rather than to the GAP Forum. 

Kind regards   Joachim Neubueser

----- Forwarded message from Willem De Graaf <degraaf at science.unitn.it> -----

X-Original-To: joachim.neubueser at math.rwth-aachen.de
From: Willem De Graaf <degraaf at science.unitn.it>
Subject: Re: [GAP Forum] Automorphism of Algebra
To: Alper Odaba? <aodabas at ogu.edu.tr>, forum at gap-system.org

Dear Alper Odaba?,

Currently GAP does not have much functionality for working
with automorphisms of algebras. However, there are functions
for constructing homomorphisms (which, as a special case,
can be automorphisms). This is done by using the function
The GAP manual contains a description of this function,
it is available online:

(Note that in order to use it, one must specify  set of source generators,
and a set of image generators.)

Best wishes,

Willem de Graaf

Alper Odaba? wrote:

>Hi all,
>I have a question for algebra ,
>Let A and B algebras. Suppose that B acts on A, is there a algebra 
>homomorphism B --> Aut(A) ?? 
>has GAP any function Automorphism of commutative algebras??
>gap> G:=Group((1,2,3,4));;
>gap> A:=GroupRing(GF(3),G);;
>gap> Automorphism(A);
>Variable: 'Automorphism' must have a value
>gap> AutomorphismAlgebra(A);
>Variable: 'AutomorphismAlgebra' must have a value
>gap> Automorphisms(A);
>Variable: 'Automorphisms' must have a value
>gap> Automorphism(A);
>Variable: 'Automorphism' must have a value
>gap> AutomorphismOfAlgebra(A);
>Variable: 'AutomorphismOfAlgebra' must have a value
>gap> AutomorphismRing(A);
>Variable: 'AutomorphismRing' must have a value
>gap> AutomorphismOfRing(A);
>Variable: 'AutomorphismOfRing' must have a value
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