[GAP Forum] GAP permutation question

David Joyner wdjoyner at comcast.net
Sun Mar 26 04:36:55 BST 2006

This is simpler than I thought. Here is
an answer to my own question:

local i,x,p,L,n1,n2;
if n1<>n2 then return fail; fi;
if n1<>Length(Set(L1)) then Print("Contains duplicates.\n"); return 
fail; fi;
if n2<>Length(Set(L2)) then Print("Contains duplicates.\n"); return 
fail; fi;
for x in L1 do
 if i=fail then return fail; fi;
return PermList(L);

gap> L1:=[1,2,"a",[1,1]]; L2:=[[1,1],"a",2,1];
[ 1, 2, "a", [ 1, 1 ] ]
[ [ 1, 1 ], "a", 2, 1 ]
gap> ListIsomorphism(L1,L2);


David Joyner wrote:

> Hello all:
> Let L1, L2 be lists of objects (lists of vectors or lists of strings).
> Is there a GAP function which returns a permutation which
> send L1 to L2, if one exists, and "false" otherwise?
> In case L1 = L2 = columns of a matrix M then the
> function could be paired with the MatrixAutomorphism group of
> M to return an "isomorphism" between two matrices.
> - David Joyner
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