[GAP Forum] Automorphism of Algebra

Alper Odabaş aodabas at ogu.edu.tr
Thu Mar 9 15:10:17 GMT 2006

Hi all,

I have a question for algebra ,
Let A and B algebras. Suppose that B acts on A, is there a algebra homomorphism B --> Aut(A) ?? 

has GAP any function Automorphism of commutative algebras??

gap> G:=Group((1,2,3,4));;
gap> A:=GroupRing(GF(3),G);;
gap> Automorphism(A);
Variable: 'Automorphism' must have a value

gap> AutomorphismAlgebra(A);
Variable: 'AutomorphismAlgebra' must have a value

gap> Automorphisms(A);
Variable: 'Automorphisms' must have a value

gap> Automorphism(A);
Variable: 'Automorphism' must have a value

gap> AutomorphismOfAlgebra(A);
Variable: 'AutomorphismOfAlgebra' must have a value

gap> AutomorphismRing(A);
Variable: 'AutomorphismRing' must have a value

gap> AutomorphismOfRing(A);
Variable: 'AutomorphismOfRing' must have a value



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