[GAP Forum] Problem with GRAPE 4.2 under GAP 4.4.5

Leonard Soicher l.h.soicher at qmul.ac.uk
Thu Jul 28 13:37:22 BST 2005

Dear GAP-Forum,

Due to a slight change in the functionality of
`StabChainBaseStrongGenerators' in GAP 4.4.5, there is a problem
(under Unix) when GRAPE/nauty computes a trivial automorphism group
for a graph (this leads to a break-loop being entered, not incorrect
results being returned). This problem may be fixed by replacing the file
by the file at
Users of the Design 1.1 package under a Unix version of GAP 4.4.5 should
also make this change to GRAPE.

I am grateful to Akihide Hanaki for pointing out this problem.

Regards, Leonard

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