[GAP Forum] CharacterTable("SU3")

orevkov at cict.fr orevkov at cict.fr
Wed May 11 16:31:46 BST 2005

Dear GAP-forum,

I have 3 questions about the generic
Character Table for GU(3,q) and SU(3,q)
in the library ctbllib

1). In the file gap4r4/pkg/ctbllib/data/ctgeneri.tbl
    it is written:

#V  Generic character table of GU(3,q^2), as given in Meinolf Geck's
#V  diploma thesis.

Question: Is this thesis available somewhere?

2). The record field "classtext" contains representatives
    of conjugacy classes.

Question: What is the invariant sesquilinear form?

3). The following classtext for SU(3,q) looks strange:

gap> LoadPackage("ctbllib");;
gap> t:=CharacterTable("SU3");;
gap> m:=t.classtext[8](3,3);;
gap> m in GL(3,3^2);
gap> m in GL(3,3^6);


Stepan Orevkov

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